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LDII not evil cult

Written By LDII CORNER on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 | 3:44 PM

LDII Not Evil Cult

10 Criteria for Establishing MUI evil cult

Indonesian Ulema Council ( MUI ) issued a guideline that contains 10 criteria to identify a doctrine declared heretic .

" An ideology or religious beliefs can be declared heretical if it meets one of the ten criteria , " said Chairman of the Steering Committee of the National Working Meeting ( Conggress ) MUI 2007 , Yunahar Ilyas . 10 The criteria include:

1 . Deny the pillars of Iman ( Faith in God , Angels , Scriptures , Messengers, the Last Day , and Qadr Qadla ) and the pillars of Islam ( Saying 2 sentences martyrdom , praying 5 times , fasting , Zakat , and Hajj ) .

2 . Believing and or follow the creed that does not fit the argument of shar `i ( Qur'an and as- Sunnah ) .

3 . Convinced after the revelation of the Qur'an .

4 . Deny the authenticity or truth of the Koran .

5 . Doing interpretation of the Koran that are not based on the rules of interpretation .

6 . Deny standing traditions of the Prophet as a source of Islamic teachings .

7 . Harassing or demeaning and the prophets and apostles .

8 . Deny the Prophet Muhammad as the last prophet and apostle .

9 . Changing subjects worship established sharia .

10 . Infidel Muslims without Sharai 'argument .

General Secretary of the MUI Ichwan Sam insists that the determination of these criteria can not be used by any person in determining that a stream is misguided and misleading . " There are mechanisms and procedures to be followed and studied first . Should be remembered that it is not as easy as it was in issuing fatwas , " said Ichwan .

In the guidelines of the MUI declared , before the establishment of a school or group straying to prior research by collecting data , information , evidence and witnesses , about understanding , thinking , and activity group or the flow by the Assessment Committee .

After that , the Commission will examine the assessment and to call the school or group leader and expert witnesses over a wide range of data , information , and evidence has been obtained . The results will be submitted to the Executive Board . Then , if deemed necessary , the Governing Board will assign the Fatwa Committee to discuss and issue a fatwa .

" In the body of the cult fatwa also states there are points that will leave everything to the applicable legal authorities and calling for people to not act on their own , " said Ichwan .

Of the 10 criteria , none have done by LDII people . LDII Governing from the center to support the establishment of a subsidiary board criteria cult . Thus both communities , as well as local officials , and decision makers will be better n better society , and local officials , and decision makers will be easier to deal with the issue of schools or Islamic groups in Indonesia .

LDII not evil cult


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