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Through Soap Making, LDII North Jakarta teens Learning some independence

Written By LDII CORNER on Thursday, May 22, 2014 | 4:34 PM

There are different activities at Masjid Nurul Muttaqin , Lagoa , North Jakarta, Sunday ( 20/4 ) yesterday morning . Mosques are usually used for chanting and pray together , the courtyard was filled bottles to be cleaned . The bottles will be containers of various products mosque teen soap production . North Jakarta DPD LDII expect the manufacture of liquid soaps , shampoos , and various other products is expected to increase the independence of its target teenagers .

Interestingly , the production of various soap capital is not a financial burden the DPD LDII Jakut . They independently perform a variety of entrepreneurs selling health products in order to raise capital . As a result capital is relatively little they can not collect . Seeing a business opportunity that is done to them, not a few people begin to look to invest .

Sugeng Rubianto as an adviser strongly supports the initiative of both the teens . " We as parents can only support and direct our children . In addition I also provide good options and bad decisions they will take , "said Sugeng to Lines .

Sugeng also briefly regretted the attitude of some parents today are embarrassed if their trade or entrepreneurship . He said parents should support their children to go forward , because by doing these activities children are not only growing independent spirit , but also a sense of responsibility in them .

Simple jobs such as washing and sterilizing bottles with alcohol and the pasteurization process he said is very well done themselves , they should compare buying a new bottle . This is thought to give rise to a sense of respect for the process and understand each business opportunities from the base .

Slot Agih Korwil youth Jakut I, previously admitted they had done some similar training . In addition to increasing the self-sufficiency through self-employment , it claimed also develop journalism among teenagers . They worked together to establish the portal and magazine named Galang community in order to accommodate their work .

No half-hearted Agih et al chemical products bring analysts , Ike Ari Priyanti to guide them . Ike, which had long been in the pharmaceutical and food industries , said they were proud with the persistence of these children . He was very excited when he was asked to teach to make a variety of other products .

Dozens of teenagers were brought in from a PC and PAC representatives LDII in North Jakarta is happy and enthusiastic to join this event . Hernandes , one of the participants of this event was deeply interested in training for the sake of training is held . Despite having to collect bottles and wash them he would not mind living it .

To beautify the bottles , he affix a sticker label marketing in order to facilitate later . His plan has thousands of bottles of liquid soap , liquid laundry soap , and shampoo their products will be marketed in the cooperative mosque built PC and PAC LDII in the North Jakarta . They hope their next product to be accepted by the outside community.


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